“ACU” 8.0 Multichannel Electroacoustic piece by Edgar Barroso performed at the Visiones Sonoras Festival. October 2012 – Morelia, México


74596828 / Acupuncture


Particularly important in acupuncture is the free flow of Qi, it is commonly translated as “vital energy”. Acupuncture treatment regulates the flow of Qi, tonifying where there is deficiency, draining where there is excess, and promoting free flow where there is stagnation. An axiom of the medical literature of acupuncture is “no pain, no blockage; no blockage, no pain.” Acu is based on the idea of representing an ill sound organism full with blockages that eventually will heal by “pressing” specific points (speakers).

ACU 8.0 Electroacoustic piece by edgarbarroso

“Visiones Sonoras” es realizado por el Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras (www.cmmas.org) con el apoyo de la Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de Michoacán, el Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, el Centro Nacional de las Artes, el Conservatorio de las Rosas, el British Council y la Unidad de Vinculación de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Morelia.


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