The winners are:
Juan Manual Abras (Argentina)
Ann-Helena Schlueter (Germany)
Edgar Baroso (Mexico)
Martin Daske (Germany)
Davide Remigio (Italy)
Marco de Biasi (Italy)
Christian Doepke (Germany)
Manfred Gehann (Germany)
Giacometta Marrone d’Alberti (Italy)
Maciej Jarczynski (Poland)
Barbara Marcinkowska (Poland-France)
Anna Mikhailova (Russia)
Volker Niehusmann (Germany)
Paola Fasolo (Italy)
Sylvia Hellstern (Germany)
Michaela von Pilsach (Germany)
Yaniv Segal (USA)
Zach Sheets (USA)
On June 22, 2011, the winning works will be printed (on A3 sized paper), and will be exhibited in the following places:
Chieti, Fermo, Kraków, Pescara, Sambuceto, Santos, Sofia, and Warsaw.
During this exhibition, concerts/artistic happenings (instrumental, dance, vocal, and movement) will take place using the winning entries. 
The works will be treated as sources of artistic inspiration for improvisation, as well as graphic scores. International mass media sources will be notified of concert information.