Edgar Barroso – Social Innovation Programs in Mexico



Social commitment is also an essencial part of my life. Using the skills I have learned from years of studying collaboration have helped to create a nationwide community of responsible citizens involved in the betterment of social issues in modern Mexico.

We have several projects such as “60 Minutos por México”. An initiative that has already 8600 members who are gathered by one question: What would you do if you donated 60 minutes of your time every week for your country? The response have been overwhelming. Citizens in Mexico are realizing that to fight corruption, poverty, security issues and well being in general, the involvement and collaboration with government, NGOs, Academia and Private sector is crucial. Solidarity must bring us together to find social innovation and better conditions fot the next generations to come.

We also work closely with universities to increase awareness of social entrepreneurship among students/faculty and promote the cross-disciplinary approach as an option for future careers for students.

If you wan to get involved, please visit:



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