“Kapsis” Screened at the International “Callejón del Ruido Festival” – Guanajuato / México / August 25 – 8pm



A collaboration between composer Edgar Barroso and designer Yen-Ting Cho, Kapsis is a 7 minute piece for flute, electro-acoustic music, and video art, which will be part of their Nahua operetta Zazanilli (which in Nahuatl means both “story” and “enigma”.) It will portray the mesmerizing Nahua myth of a young girl who becomes a starfish. The goal is to represent the unrepresented, to provide though structured musical figuration an understanding of invisible forces and principles that regulated not only the myths, riddles and proverbs of ancient Aztecs but also the pulse of contemporary indigenous politics. This piece is part of a Inter-media operetta.

Curado por Manuel Rocha


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